I didn’t think about it.

milestone time Friends.

For the first time ever, at a party, in sobriety, I didn’t think of having an alcoholic beverage.

I didn’t have a clever response ready if someone asked why I wasn’t drinking.

I didn’t feel awkward or start to sweat when anyone asked what beverage they could get me.

I didn’t think of drinking.

As I write this I haven’t had any alcohol in 843 days. It took 829 days to finally attend a party/social event completely comfortable with not drinking. When they say you need to get comfortable being uncomfortable if you want to get sober, they are not kidding. It took a while. Though I wish this happened sooner, I trust that it took just the right amount of time, and I’m grateful that I was able to arrive at that comfortability. So I’m not taking it lightly and I’m journaling, I mean, blogging about it.

I feel like that is a massive milestone in sobriety. The feeling was so natural that I realized it two days later. I almost missed the opportunity to recognize and write about it. That would’ve been so sad!

I would’ve missed the chance to say that when you are relieved from an obsession, it’s incredibly freeing. Even if it's temporary, just one night (Una Noche, 98º), the feeling that comes with that relief is something you want again. 

The ultimate goal is to feel free and comfortable with who you are. 

Easy Mathias, trying a little too hard to be deep there. Sorry about that. Regardless of how its said, living completely comfortable with who you are is easier said than done. This one definitely falls in the work in progress category.

Then all of the sudden, out of nowhere, the work pays off and you hit a milestone. It takes time but you’ll get there. And when you do, take note and be excited. Celebrate the wins, even if they seem small. Write it down or blog about it if the mood strikes you. It sure helps me. 

We’re entering a rather busy season of life, and we’ll do our best to keep this blog weekly. Mark your calendars as Not Yet Too Far Gone will be available on Amazon September 14th!! Don’t worry we’ll be reminding you regularly, pre-order for kindle coming even sooner!

Thank you for being here.

Talk to you next week.

- Mathias John




competitive self-work sucks.